Daniel - August 14, 2022

How To Safely Scrape Data From Tripadvisor

If you are looking to safely extract data from Tripadvisor, you are on the right page. You will have to keep reading to find out.

What Is Tripadvisor?

Tripadvisor is the world's largest travel guidance platform that was launched in the year 2000. It helps users to plan and book trips to different destinations around the globe. Plus, it operates as a website and mobile app. 

It makes planning trips easy with the reviews, photos, and other information it provides about hotels, restaurants, resorts, etc. 

Tripadvisor is available in 22 languages and 43 markets. It has its headquarters in Needham, Massachusetts. 

Scraping Tripadvisor

Tripadvisor offers information on bookings, lodgings, reservations, restaurants, transportation, experiences, and so on. This information is provided mostly by users who have visited a place or used a service. 

Travelers are always using Tripadvisor and in 2021, it was estimated to have over 1 billion reviews and opinions of more than 7 million businesses. This makes it a reservoir of several types of information including reviews, names, physical addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, ratings, awards, etc.

This information can be used by different people and for different purposes such as personal research, business promotion, and price comparison. The process of extracting this information for use is known as 'scraping'. 

It involves using computer bots (web scrapers) to automatically collect data from Tripadvisor's website. This process is easy and helps to save time than manual copying and pasting.

The web scrapers extract data at scale and in a structured and usable format. They can be used without any coding skills, and purchased online or developed. 

How To Safely Scrape Data from Tripadvisor 

Tripadvisor's Content API can only be accessed by approved users, and it doesn't allow scraping. This is why it is advised that quality web scrapers are used. 

The problem is that even with the best web scraper Tripadvisor's server will still detect a scraping activity and block the IP address. This is not what you want. So, how do you safely scrape Tripadvisor? It's simple, you have to use proxies.

Proxies are server applications that serve as intermediaries between digital devices and websites. They work well with web scrapers to hide users' IP footprints and disguise their traffic like that of regular internet users. They provide users with IP addresses that can be rotated to reduce traffic and send numerous requests. 

It doesn't matter the amount of data you choose to scrape from Tripadvisor you will need proxies. But not just any proxies, quality proxies from a reliable source. If not, your IP address will still get blocked regardless. 

Find the perfect Proxy Product.

Proxyrack offers a multiple options to suit most use cases, if you are unsure our 3 Day Trial allows you to test them all.

Residential proxies

Never get blocked, choose your location
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Datacenter proxies

Super fast and reliable
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7 Day Trial

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Best Proxies For Scraping Tripadvisor

The best proxies for scraping Tripadvisor are Residential and Datacenter proxies. Wondering why they are the best? 

Well, when used with a scraping tool, they provide users with several IP addresses from different regions and countries. These IP addresses and the services they offer are perfect for scraping data from Tripadvisor without getting detected. 

Residential proxies can be dedicated or shared, but they are not easily detected. Their IP addresses are of residential locations and are provided by Internet Service Providers, so they appear real when used. 

Datacenter proxies are the opposite of residential proxies, and they are mostly public and shared. They are fast and their IP addresses are generated from data servers. Their addresses are that of servers hosted in data centers. They are highly reliable when you want to scrape data quickly. 

These proxies are available and can be obtained at any time from Proxyrack. They use only private nodes and so you can be rest assured that you won't get monitored or banned when using their residential or datacenter proxies. 

The IP addresses offered by Proxyrack (more than 5 million for residential proxies and over 20,000 for datacenter proxies) are ever-growing and unique from over 140 countries. Proxyrack gives users complete access to all of them when they subscribe monthly.

Below are all Proxyrack’s proxies and their pricing;

Residential Proxies

  • Private Unmetered Residential Proxies: Starting from $65.95/month

  • Premium Residential Proxies: Starting from $49.95/month

Datacenter Proxies

  • USA Rotating Datacenter Proxies: Starting from $65.95/month

  • Global Rotating Datacenter Proxies: Starting from $49.95/month

  • Static USA Datacenter Proxies: Starting from $50/month

You can try out all Proxyrack’s proxy types for just $13.95 for three days with a money-back guarantee.

Bottom Line

When it comes to scraping data from Tripadvisor, using proxies is at the top of best practices if you want it done safely and anonymously. It is however better to be safe than sorry. 

So, to avoid getting your IP address blocked, you will need not just proxies but the best proxies (residential and data center proxies) and a reliable web scraper.

Find the perfect Proxy Product.

Proxyrack offers a multiple options to suit most use cases, if you are unsure our 3 Day Trial allows you to test them all.

Residential proxies

Never get blocked, choose your location
View all option available

Datacenter proxies

Super fast and reliable
View all option available

7 Day Trial

Test all products to find the best fit
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