Proxyrack Ethical Commitment and Compliance

We are always striving for better compliance and ethical usage, below are some of our recent projects and initiatives.

Committed to Ethical and Secure Proxy Services

It is essential for Proxyrack to adhere to good practices and compliance standards to ensure we operate ethically and responsibly. Here are several key practices and compliance measures that we have already implemented in our operations.

By adhering to these good practices and compliance measures, Proxyrack ensures we operate ethically, protect our customers, and contribute positively to the broader digital ecosystem.

Transparency and Accountability

Clear Terms of Service: we make sure that all our terms of service are easy to understand and accessible to everyone.

Transparent Pricing: our pricing is straightforward with no hidden fees. We clearly explain all costs and charges.

Regular Audits: we regularly check our own operations to ensure we follow legal and ethical standards. We also review user activities to prevent misuse and flag any suspicious behaviour.

Fair Compensation Practices: we fairly compensate new peers who share their internet bandwidth with us. This ensures fair business practices and builds positive relationships with our participants.

Privacy and Data Protection

Consent Management: we respect your privacy by ensuring you give explicit permission (opt-in) to use your IPs. We also provide easy options for you to withdraw your consent. This way, your participation is always voluntary and your data is treated with care.

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Legal Compliance

Know Your Customer (KYC): we verify the identities of our clients to ensure our services are not used for illegal activities. Know more.

Law Enforcement Cooperation:  We cooperate with authorities when required, ensuring a smooth process without friction..

Ethical Use Policies

Prohibited Activities & Content Restrictions: we have strict rules against unethical activities like Credential Stuffing. This is when hackers use stolen usernames and passwords to access accounts on other websites. Our technology actively detects and prevents such attacks to keep our services secure.

Usage Monitoring: we monitor our services to prevent misuse while respecting user privacy. This helps us maintain a safe and reliable service for everyone.

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