Daniel - January 18, 2021

What Is SessionBox?


What is SessionBox? What are the best proxies for SessionBox? Read on as we show you the SessionBox review.

Developed by Box Labs LLC, SessionBox is a tool that lets you utilize multiple browser profiles from the browser and even in a single window. It is a multi-login platform and one of the most popular ones out there, with over 300,000 users.

Using SessionBox to browse is like using multiple browsers to browse. The configuration process is not complicated in any way; you can do it very quickly. Using the platform is also easy, thanks to its single-window interface.

You manage all the multiple accounts from one browser window by simply switching the client. Websites will not detect your multi-login connection as SessionBox uses fingerprint management, proxy cloaking, and session isolation to keep you private.

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SessionBox is available in two formats. The first is the Workstation, and the second is the Browser extension.

  • SessionBox Workstation

SessionBox Workstation is a desktop app that you can download and install on your computer. Basically, it’s a standalone browser, and it works on Windows and Mac.

After downloading and installing the SessionBox Workstation, you’ll have to create an account to start using the tool.

  • SessionBox Browser Extension

If you don’t want to use the SessionBox Workstation browser, you can use the SessionBox Browser extension on your favorite browser. The extension is available for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera browsers.

It’s included in the package when you pay for and download the SessionBox workstation. Using the SessionBox browser extension requires account registration and login as well.

SessionBox Features

Here are some top features of SessionBox:

  • Unlimited Sessions

With SessionBox, you can log in to as many multiple accounts as you want in one window. There’s no limit to the number of sessions or number of fingerprints you can use. You won’t worry about consuming many resources because you can sync your sessions to the cloud.

  • Privacy

All sessions you open with SessionBox are kept private. With the Workstation, you cannot be tracked while browsing as you can generate a unique fingerprint for each browsing session. No cookie or cache captured will trace back to your real browsing parameters.

  • Proxy management

To further protect your privacy, SessionBox supports proxies. The workstation will work with almost any proxy provider, while your system properties will be adjusted based on the proxy server requirements. SessionBox doesn’t feature any proxies, so you must import from your proxy pool. However, the platform supports the bulk import of proxies.

SessionBox Compatibility

The SessionBox workstation is available for only two operating systems, which are Windows and Mac. It is not available for Linux and mobile devices.

As mentioned earlier, you can use the SessionBox browser extension on Chrome, Firefox, and Opera browsers.

SessionBox Pricing

You can pay monthly or annually for SessionBox. The pricing plans include:

  • Extension Premium Plan- $3.99 per month for a monthly plan, or $2.99 per month for the annual plan

  • Extension Plus Plan – $8.99 per month for the monthly plan, or $7.99 per month for an annual plan

  • Workstation Plan – $59.99 per month for a monthly plan, $58.99 per month for the annual plan

Note: All SessionBox pricing plans come with a 30 days money-back guarantee.

Best Proxies For SessionBox

One of SessionBox’s key features is Proxy Management. You can mask your real IP address with a proxy when you use SessionBox and assign a unique IP address to each browsing profile. As a result, you must get the best proxies for SessionBox.

From ProxyRack, you can get the best proxies for SessionBox. Depending on what task you want to complete, you need either residential or datacenter proxies. Thankfully, ProxyRack provides both at relatively affordable prices.

ProxyRack Residential Proxies

ProxyRack Datacenter Proxies

Configuring ProxyRack proxies on SessionBox is simple. Simply enter the proxy details in the SessionBox settings and turn on “Assign proxies automatically.”

Check out our full range of Residential Proxies
Check out our full Range of Datacenter Proxies

Bottom Line

Imagine using multiple browsers and computers to browse at a time; it would be so inconvenient. SessionBox makes it easy by allowing you to browse with multiple browser profiles in one window.

For instance, you can log in and manage multiple Facebook accounts from one browser window. Likewise, you can use SessionBox as a browser extension or as a client workstation. It requires proxies, and you can get the best SessionBox from ProxyRack.

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